This Model illustrates the concept of "Closed Loop Communication," a process designed to ensure clarity and understanding in exchanges between a sender and receiver. It's depicted as a four-step cycle, ensuring that both parties are on the same page throughout the communication process.
The first step is initiated by the sender, who begins the communication loop by delivering a message to the receiver. This action kickstarts the exchange and is the foundational step in establishing a dialogue or instruction.
Upon receiving the message, the receiver then acknowledges it and paraphrases the message back to the sender. This step serves as a confirmation that the receiver has understood the initial message correctly. It is a critical step because it allows any misunderstandings to be identified and corrected early in the communication process.
Next, the sender verifies that the message has been understood correctly by assessing the receiver's paraphrased response. This closes the first loop of communication. It's a checkpoint for ensuring that what was intended to be communicated has indeed been correctly interpreted.
The final step completes the cycle, with the receiver providing feedback or confirming that the task has been completed. This closes the second loop of the communication, solidifying that the intended message has not only been understood but has also been acted upon appropriately. This model emphasizes the importance of feedback and the active role of both sender and receiver in effective communication.
“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” - George Bernard Shaw
“Unspoken expectations are premeditated resentments.” — Neil Strauss
“Communicate, communicate, and by the way, communicate.” - Sigal Barsade